Disclaimer: Rapid Media (rapidmedia.com) Is Not Associated With Fraudulent Charges From rapid-media.net.
We are aware of recent fraudulent activity involving unauthorized charges linked to websites resembling our brand, specifically gateway.rapid-media.net and register.rapid-media.net. Please be assured that Rapid Media is not affiliated with these sites or any of the fraudulent transactions reported.
Importantly, our magazine subscription platforms have not been affected, and there have been no customer data leaks involving any of our own customers or subscribers. All customer data remains secure on our verified systems.
We have received reports of individuals being redirected to fraudulent sites after scanning QR codes for various unrelated services, such as parking passes, loyalty cards, and online subscriptions. These incidents appear to be concentrated in the UK.
What You Should Do:
Report unauthorized charges to your bank or credit card provider immediately.
Monitor your account for suspicious activity.
Only enter sensitive information on verified Rapid Media platforms accessed through our official website: www.rapidmedia.com, and SimpleCirc, our subscription management software at https://www.simplecirc.com/subscribe/paddling-magazine or https://www.simplecirc.com/subscribe/kayak-angler-magazine.
If you have concerns or suspect fraud, please contact us directly at subscriptions@rapidmedia.com.
We are actively working with relevant platforms to report this fraudulent activity and protect individuals from further scams.