• Kaydi Pyette


    Kaydi has managed Rapid Media’s publications since 2012. She has a Bachelor in Journalism from Ryerson University. If she’s not out on the water she’s poring over a map dreaming up her next paddling adventure.

  • Cristin Plaice

    Cristin Plaice


    Cristin leads the company's growing marketing and business development departments. Entrepreneur by nature, she has almost a decade of experience in digital marketing. When she’s not frothing over SEO and new tech, you can find her playing in the mountains of BC.

  • Michael Hewis

    Michael Hewis


    Mike loves to create: when not designing he’s experimenting with oil paints, curating an impressive Instagram and instructing his daughter in the art of casting artificial lures. Curling with the hammer in the last end at a bonspiel? Yep, you’ll find him doing that, too.

  • Ric Burnley

    Ric Burnley


    After graduating from University and serving in Russia with the Peace Corps, Ric returned to Virginia Beach and started writing his book, The Complete Kayak Fisherman . When he’s not chasing every fish that swims, Ric teaches English at a school for at-risk teens.

  • Brenna Kelly

    Brenna Kelly


    Brenna was a semi-pro creek boater and freestyle paddler on the Canadian National Team. She teachs all paddlesports and swift water rescue (now as a hobby) because she loves it so much. Having been a business owner in the past she really loves connecting decision makers to solid marketing strategies so that their businesses keep growing and they can get back to running a business!

  • Keith Stevenson

    Keith Stevenson


    Keith’s first paycheck came from packin’ leaches at The Fishin’ Hole. A professional fishing guide career paid his way to an Honours Degree in Outdoor Recreation and Environmental Assessment. From owning an ESL school, sushi restaurant and construction company to managing Langara Island Lodge in Haida Gwaii - there’s not much Keith hasn’t done... yet, he’s still somehow always on the water!

  • Amy Stenner

    Amy Stenner


    Amy is originally from the island of Guernsey in the Channel Islands UK. She joins us to direct marketing strategies and campaigns and drive online ticket sales for the Paddling Film Festival Virtual Tour. You'll find her skiing, climbing or singing in her spare time.

  • Jeff Priest

    Jeff Priest


    Jeff joined Rapid in 2020 after a career in publishing and digital production in Toronto. Combining creative and technical arts, he works to realize Rapid's digital initiatives and produce compelling online content. As an avid amateur naturalist, you can often find him hiking, paddling and snowshoeing around the Ottawa Valley with camera close at hand.

  • Joe Potoczak

    Joe Potoczak


    Joe is a writer, and lifelong paddler of anything that floats. He’s managed to put the two together and call it a profession. He is also a former member of the US Wildwater Team, and instructed river guides in Pennsylvania for a solid decade.

  • Marissa Evans

    Marissa Evans


    With a love for storytelling and SEO, Marissa has been at home in the digital content space since 2016. Her offline pursuits include camping, downhill skiing, ice cream eating, and book reading.

  • Jennifer Quade

    Jennifer Quade


    Jen is our longest-running team member, having started in 2007. Jen is responsible for keeping our readers happy and coordinating our Paddling Film Festival. You can find her reading by the lake, researching new dessert recipes to try, and hiking with her dog.

  • Ray Bretzloff

    Ray Bretzloff


    Ray is an adventurer at heart. He has 25 years of paddling experience, from family canoe trips to whitewater raft guiding to owning an adventure instruction company. His dog and office mascot, Lucky, is 13 years old, likes long walks and naps anywhere, but especially loves the cool bottom of a canoe.

  • David Neufeld


    David joins Rapid having previously worked in professional services at a Big 4 firm where he obtained his CPA designation in January of 2022. When he’s not busy crunching numbers in a spreadsheet, you will probably find him trying to become an amateur at any outdoor sport that exists or in the local Crossfit gym.